Independent Legal Consultant
Chris Brown
Chris Brown is a Chartered Tax Adviser and international law specialist by training with over 25 years of commercial, corporate tax, legal and financial exposure and practice. This has been gained through a number of senior tax and finance roles across a broad range of multinational businesses including Anglo American, the EMI Group and KPMG. In recent years, Chris acted as a consultant to and senior legal officer at the International Seabed Authority in Kingston, Jamaica to lead the development of a financial regime and regulatory framework for mineral exploitation in the Area. Until recently, Chris was seabed minerals adviser to the Cook Islands National Environment Service and the Seabed Mineral’s Authority, advising the Government of the Cook Islands on the development and implementation of a legal, environmental and financial framework for the exploration and exploitation of marine minerals in the Cook Islands exclusive economic zone. He holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of London, a Postgraduate Diploma in Marine Law and a Masters in Public Law from the University of Cape Town.